
Quality Policy

Navis Engineering is a manufacturer of maneouvering and positioning control equipment for different type of the vessels.
Our target is to provide products fully complying with customer requirements in respect of safety, reliability, functionality and usability.
To this end we adhere to a quality policy which includes the following directions:
Permanently bear in mind that the human lives and preservation of property depend on the quality of products and services.
Compliance with all applicable requirements including requirements and expectations of all interested parties, and requirements of international standards and other regulatory documents.
Use modern software and hardware development and production technologies.
Continuously improve Quality Management System and increase the production efficiency.

In the context of implementation of the Quality policy, we set the following objectives and constantly strive to achieve them:
Satisfaction of expectations: maximum satisfaction of expectations of customers and other interested parties. Minimization of products and services defectiveness and lack of usability. Minimization of processes faults.
Satisfaction of requirements: production and support of products in compliance with all applicable requirements.
Technologies and materials: use of effective technologies, quality materials and components.
Personnel: qualified, informed personnel motivated to improve the quality of products and services.